VSS Macropaver offers a great solution for batch, continuous, or semi-continuous emulsion production. The XD Emulsion Plant is available in both stationery and mobile configurations. Customers receive individualized solutions - from plant layout to design to construction – based on their specific business needs.
The VSS Macropaver asphalt (bitumen) emulsion plant is comprised of several components, engineered so that the desired emulsion is produced precisely to formulation. Each plant properly controls the various combinations of asphalt, water, and chemicals to produce the additives, polymers and asphalts are metered into a specifically designed manifold before being injected into the colloid mill. We will work with you to assess your complete needs - including plant layout, design, and construction. We’ll help you evaluate your local market and create an individualized solution.
The available flow control option greatly simplifies operations by automatically adjusting the flow of water and chemicals. The formulation is controlled precisely based on the material flows, regardless of temperature fluctuations.